Fearsome Halloween Food and Games

It’s the scariest party of the year! If you love to get creative with party food and games then Halloween is your dream celebration. Try out the following ideas to make your little ghouls happy.

Ghoulish Cookies

Choose our Halloween cookie cutters , which includes a skull, ghost, witch and bat and concoct some fabulous icing. Edible glitter looks especially good and there are two simple ways to get the best effect. Either ice your cookies then sprinkle on edible glitter before the icing dries, or apply the glitter with a paintbrush or icing tube gel onto dried icing. This is a good technique when you want to add details and designs, like stars. If using loose edible glitter, firstly paint lemon juice onto the section of the dried icing you want the glitter on, then apply the glitter with the paintbrush and let dry. Serve on our fun ghost plates.

A Halloween-themed Cake

Transform any cake or desert into a Halloween-themed one with our special Halloween cake toppers. It’s that simple! We also have a Halloween cupcake kit , which includes on-trend gingham cupcake holders, for those who want extra attention to detail. Livening-up your humble sponge cake has never been so easy!

5 Scary Treats

The scariest thing about a Halloween party might be how fast the little people eat the party food and candy! However, they will appreciate creative treats, especially if they’re served with our brilliant Halloween plates, cups and napkins. Here’s five we like:

1. Mini ghost pizzas

Cut plain bagels in half and spread each with marinara sauce. Cut slices of mozzarella into ghost shapes and place on top of the sauce. Bake until the cheese is melted, around 10 minutes. Cut black olives into small slices and use to create ‘eyes’. Serve on themed plates such as the Halloween pumpkin patch plate.

2. Frankfurter mummies

Cut frankfurters in half, and wrap in strips of puff pastry to create a bandaged effect. Leave a little window near the top of the ‘mummy’ where the eyes should be, and bake until cooked. Add 2 little dollops of mustard to the ‘window’ space, to create the ‘eyes’.

3. Halloween slime

Fill bottles or jugs with a green juice that is nutritious and tastes delicious … even if it looks yucky! Apple, cucumber, spinach and lemon is a yummy blend, and you can add some ginger if you want to give it a fiery kick!

4. Doughnut spiders

Stick orange M&M’s on top of mini doughnuts to create eyes and place half pretzels onto the doughnuts to create legs.

5. Bell pepper Jack-o’-lantern dips and vegetables

Carve creepy faces into the bell peppers, and remove the seeds and top. Fill some with a creamy dip and others with vegetable slices like carrots, cucumber and celery.

5 Frightening Fun-time Games

Here are five of our favorite creepy games, suitable for all ages:

1. Mummy bowling

Wrap up wooden clothespins with crepe bandages, and stick on our stick-on eyes to make them look like mini mummies. Knock them over with a bowling ball (tennis ball should do the job too!)

2. Popping pumpkins

Fill balloons with little treats, like a small pack of candy, blow them up, top with green leaves (felt, paper or real) and draw on jack-o’-lantern faces if you wish. Get the kids to pop as many as they can in a time limit, they get to keep the treats. Noisy, but great fun!

3. Spider races

All you need are straws and a few paper spiders. Get the kids to line up and see who can blow their spider over the finish line first. Love spiders? Check out our cute spider surprise balls.

4. Pin the stem on the pumpkin

Print or draw an image of a pumpkin (or check out our that will do the trick, and lots of leaf cut-outs with the kids’ names on them and sticky tape on the back. Blindfold each in turn, spin around three times, then get them to place their leaf. The one nearest where the leaf should be gets a prize.

5. Halloween freeze dance

Put on some haunting Halloween tunes and get the kids to dance. Stop the music, and any that wobble are out. Restart the music and keep on playing until you have a winner. Encourage the kids to dance like monsters, flap like bats or scrabble around like spiders. Check out our Halloween party music for kids playlist here. Our Halloween temporary tattoos make a great prize!


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